Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It says "Mary was a Rebelmama, Jesus was hot!" This is where I share Xmas help.

If you think you might have trouble providing Christmas for your kids, please act now. The Salvation Army on Cumberland Avenue is accepting applications for Christmas assistance. You can self refer. This is the social services building across from Portland High, near Avesta housing (see, you can go apply for section 8 right afterwards), not to be confused with the store that is further up near The Earl, Maria's Resteraunt, and Preble Learning Center. Anyway, this year they are offering a food basket for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, and gifts for children in your household under the age of 12. They don't guarentee them for parents or the older kids, but they ask what you would want anyway. Sometimes they throw in a gift card to the grocery store.
Don't forget to apply for the Bruce Roberts Toy Fund. You can obtain applications on Cumberland Avenue in the back of the Portland Press Herald Building. They usually give about 5-6 age appropriate toys for children under the age of 18. In years past I've seen them give teeangers gift cards to bullmoose, that kinda thing. It's not much, but if you can only spend $50 or $100 or whatever per kid in your family, use that money at Walmart to get them something special and let Bruce Roberts give you a few more things for them to open under the tree.
If you live in South Portland, The Congregational Church at 301 Cottage Ave might help you with a few gifts. Look the number up in the phone book and ask for Kathy Sarbeck.
good luck, I hope your kids have a great Christmas!

Barbara Bush Children's Hospital and The Children's Miracle Network
(Angel trees will be at Borders Book and Walmart)

Bruce Roberts Toy Fund
Childrens Medical Mission's
Salvation Army Christmas Center
774-6304 x 250 Charles Pressey (director)

Town of Windham Social Services
207-892-1906 Linda Paul
Toys For Tots

Your Town
Many towns offer assistance.
If your town does not have a social services person, try contacting your town clerk.
Many fire departments raise money or collect toys too.
maine families in need

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