Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is there a mama (or papa) you'd like to acknowledge this holiday season?

I make a little jewelry on the side. It's not fancy. It's just a few beads, wire and sometimes seaglass, that kinda thing.
& as many of you know, my "regular" job, the one that alledgedly pays the bills, is in social services. See why I used that word alledgedly? I'm not in it for the money. Every Xmas during the holiday season I help families find resources to make sure they have a holiday dinner and that their kids are getting gifts. I look forward to it, it's one of the easier and more rewarding parts of my job. Anyway, there are some resources out there for the kids, but I've always wanted to do something for the moms as well.
Last year I offered up jewelry. This year, I'm also throwing in the option of a gift certificate for a tarot reading if someone lives in the greater Portland area. I can say their name was entered as a raffle at a craft show....I will totally lie my ass off for a good cause.
So, do you know a mama who needs a little acknowledgement and might not get it? Maybe she's going through a divorce and her kids are too little to do much for her for Xmas. Maybe she works 2 jobs just to make the rent. Maybe her family is recently homeless and couch surfing, maybe she's in an domestic violence shelter. Maybe she's on raising children while on disability & just barely making ends meet. Or maybe you know a Grandma raising her grandkids. Or even a teenage girl who just just might like something special. I don't know how to make anything that doesn't look femme (This is a hobby for me, I'm not a professional jeweler). If you know a dude in a similar situation as mentioned above and you'd like to acknowledge him, email me anyway....we can talk. Mostly I make earrings and seaglass necklaces. I can totally give him a tarot reading if he's in the greater Portland area.
I can make this gift anonymous, or from her kids. I can make it an acknowledgement for any of the upcoming seasonal holidays or I can just say someone has noticed her hardwork. Or I can say nothing. or you can email what you want it say to me and I'll include it in there. I usually put a little message in there so they know it's from a woman owned business and it's about women supporting other women so she doesn't think it's creepy or weird. This year my friend Sandy's sister has offered to fill a few orders, too...and her stuff is WAYYYY better then mine, IMO.
Tell me a little about your friend. What are their hobbies or style, what color do you see her wearing a lot? I'd love to hear a line or two about their situation but I don't have to know at all. I do, of course, need either your address or theirs so I can get this out there.
I take care of the shipping. I can send just about anywhere. If it's international, let's try to figure something out.
I'll cap this when I feel overwhelmed. Will probably start sending in December unless you feel strongly about the time it should be sent. email me at


  1. I replied to your message on facebook before reading this...embarassing! I accidentally replied to all. I was thinking it was about holiday resources lol Anyway This is SUCH a great idea, so sweet. I'm no longer in the Portland area and can't really think of anyone...It's really kool that ur doing this though!! Have a Wonderful Holiday!

    Blessings~ Jenn

  2. I'll send to people in Florida or anywhere else, too! :) Just anyone who you think is having a hard time and might need a surprise from "Santa" or unexpected gift "from her kids." I want to reach folks far and away, last year send to TX, CA, etc. Feel free to repost on your FB pafe or blog or send a mass email to friends, etc.


    There's my blog! Ur such a sweetheart!
